Biochemical Immunotoxicology Group

Publication of Our New Review on Chemical Respiratory Sensitization

The Biochemical Immunotoxicology Group is pleased to announce the publication of our latest work in collaboration with the European Partnership on the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC). Our comprehensive review, titled “Chemical Respiratory Sensitization—Current Status of Mechanistic Understanding, Knowledge Gaps, and Possible Identification Methods of Sensitizers,” is now available.

In this study, we compiled a detailed reference list of respiratory sensitizers from over ten key publications and performed an in-depth analysis of these compounds within the C&L Inventory. Our work highlights the current regulatory concerns and delves into adverse outcome pathways (AOPs), offering new insights into the complex mechanisms underlying respiratory sensitization.

This publication represents a significant collaborative effort, particularly with the contribution of expertise from a global network of researchers.

We invite you to explore our findings and consider the implications for chemical safety and risk assessment. Thank you to the PARC team and all involved for their dedication to advancing this important research.

Link to the Paper: Chemical Respiratory Sensitization Review